Mole definition

Der Ausdruck Mole bezeichnet eine als Damm in einen See, einen Fluss oder in das Meer ragende Aufschüttung, befestigt durch eine Stein- oder Betonkonstruktion. Sie dient als Wellenbrecher. Eine Mole kann an der Außenseite eine Hafenmauer tragen und auf der geschützten Innenseite auch als Pier ausgebaut sein.

Weiter zu Definition – Anders ausgedrückt: Gramm Kohlenstoff-sind genau die Stoffmenge Mol. Teilchenzahl und Stoffmenge sind einander direkt proportional, so dass eine beliebige .

Das Wort mole kommt von dem Wort mulli der indigenen Sprache Nahuatl. Dies bedeutet so viel wie Sauce, Mixtur, Mischmasch oder Eintopf. Im englischen Sprachraum existiert die. The number of atoms or other particles in a mole is the same for all substances.

In comparison, one mole of oxygen consists, by definition , of the same number of atoms . Mole definition , any of various small insectivorous mammals, especially of the family Talpidae, living chiefly undergroun and having velvety fur, very small eyes, and strong forefeet. English dictionary definition of mole. A skin lesion, commonly a nevus, that is typically raised and discolored.

Any of various small insectivorous mammals of the family Talpidae of. A mole corresponds to the mass of a substance that contains 6. By definition : mol of carbon-has a mass of grams and contains 6. The mole is the SI unit for the amount of a substance and its symbol is mol. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

But mol is, unlike a dozen or a gross, an incomprehensibly large number. Written out in decimal form, it appears as . Unfortunately, the clumsy definition of the mole obscures its utility. It is nearly analogous to defining a dozen as the mass of a substance that contains the same number of fundamental units as are contained in 7g of Grade A large eggs.

There is the mole definition , as used in chemistry, chemical engineering, and physics. Both have been established by . Definition of mole : Metric (SI) unit of amount (not mass or weight) of a substance. After an extensive consultation with the chemistry community, and following a review and critical evaluation of the literature, IUPAC is recommending a new definition of the mole based on a specified number of elementary entities: The mole , symbol mol , is the SI unit of amount of substance.

Following proposals of IUPAP, IUPAC, and the International . But then we would have to calculate with incredibly small numbers all the time, which is even more painful.