Houston we have a problem film

Houston , We Have a Problem ! Slovene director Žiga Virc. Using a wealth of archive footage, the film brings together all the strands of the myth through an eyewitness account from Ivan, a senior space engineer in the . Virc adds new material to the discussion on both fronts. Filmemacher Žiga Virc die Diskussion um das Thema auf beiden Seiten mit neuem Material auf.

Blending fact with myth, this conspiracy-minded docufiction argues that the U. Mythos vom Wettkampf um die erste Mondlandung. So funktionieren Mythen: Jeder sagt: ich weiss, dass es nicht wahr ist, aber ich weiss, dass andere glauben, dass es wahr ist. What little fun this mockumentary offers depends on falling for its far-fetched premise about America being scammed by the Yugoslav space program. Regionalisiert für die ganze Schweiz, deutsch. Yugoslavian dictator Josip Broz Tito developed a clandestine space program, which he then sold wholesale to.

The director himself has called his film a “docu -fiction” intended to “tell the symbolic story of the rise and fall of Yugoslavia.

We are coming to cinemas in several countries across the former Yugoslavia soon! Cold War-era international intrigue, declassified top-secret documents, and a clandestine deal between John F. They have got to be kidding! But they are also fodder for conspiracy theories. In den frühen 60er Jahren sollen die USA Know-How von Jugoslawien angekauft haben, um so das Rennen um die erste Mondlandung . The Cold War, the space race and the Americans landing on the Moon were major milestones that left their mark on recent history.

These events are, however, surrounded by a shroud of mystery that still preys on our imagination. Neue Kommentare zu Filmen. MIT CHEWIE IN DIE SCHULE. Anfangs berührendes Jugenddrama um Selbstwert und Freundschaft, das später Selbsterklärendes viel zu sehr erklärt und nicht. Mit Besen, langer Nase und . The USA and USSR were fighting a proxy war, seemingly for galactic dominance.

A crucial battle was to place the first man on the moon. Doku-Fiktion) Im Anschluss an die. HOUSTON , WE HAVE A PROBLEM ! It is ann intriguing and masterfully crafted docu-fiction which .

Ziga Virc, which brought him international recognition. Yugoslavia space program, with the intention of using these innovations to bolster its own technology?