Horizontal definition

Siehe auch: horizontale Kooperation (Europäische Union) . Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele. Uebersetzung von horizontal uebersetzen.

Aussprache von horizontal Übersetzungen von horizontal Synonyme, horizontal Antonyme. English dictionary definition of horizontal.

Of, relating to, or near the horizon. At right angles to a vertical line. Click here to return to demo mode. Use keyboard arrows to move him horizontally and vertically! The opposite of vertical, something horizontal is arranged sideways, like a person lying down.

What is horizontal (adjective)? Define horizontal (adjective) and get synonyms. A horizontal component of a structure.

A Tasmanian shrub or small tree whose main trunk tends to lean over and grow horizontally, Anodopetalum biglandulosum.

Different colored horizontal lines. Licensed from iStockPhoto. The definition of horizontal is something that is parallel to the horizon (the area where the sky seems to meet the earth).

An example of a horizontal line is one that goes across the paper. Definition of horizontal agreement: An agreement between competing businesses operating in the same economic sphere in which information on pricing, technology, and products is shared to create greater efficiencies and market. Bei der vertikalen Skalierung erhöht man die Kapazitäten durch das Hinzufügen von Ressourcen.

Die Alternative hierzu wäre die horizontale Skalierung. A network of known horizontal geographic positions, referenced to geographic parallels and meridians or to other lines of orientation such as plane coordinate axes. Questions or issues with the site? Content feedback is currently offline for maintenance. A person lying on a bed is considered in a horizontal position.

For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry to Anatomic Orientation Terms. Horizontal : In anatomy, a plane passing through the standing body. An explanation of the difference between horizontal and vertical equity.

Using diagram and examples. Vertical equity – redistribution.