Geb test

The Book of Geb contains all the information you need to get started with Geb. Andere suchten auch nach Testautomatisierung mit Geb – Test Framework für Browser UI-Tests. Geb ist ein Framework für Browser-Automatisierung. Dabei benutzt es Selenium WebDriver und setzt als Programmiersprache Groovy ein.

Geb is the answer to the challenges of browser automation. It is a very effective tool to perform automation testing over the web to automate web, functional and user acceptance testing.

Very Groovy Browser Automation. Contribute to geb development by creating an account on GitHub. Geb is built on top of Selenium drivers and brings the tests into a very readable format. Depending on your QA resource they might just write the tests for you. Bei automatisierten Tests ist es oftmals nicht einfach nachzuvollziehen was getestet wurde.

Des Weiteren laufen Tests meist durch und geben nur im Fehlerfall etwas aus. Wie soll man mit dem Fachbereich kommunizieren, was getestet wurde? Die beiden auf Groovy basierenden Frameworks Spock und Geb sorgen seit .

Awhile back I talked about why test engineers should learn Groovy. I should issue my standard caveat here, which is the idea that I do adhere to the idea there truly is no automated testing , just automated checking. There are a lot of high-level frameworks, that allow definition of acceptance tests in natural language (Robot, JBehave, Cucumber, …). But when it comes to the technical implementation of the test cases, you are often forced to use the rather low-level WebDriver API directly.

Geb addresses exactly this . It brings together the power of WebDriver, the elegance of jQuery content selection, the robustness of Page Object modelling and the expressiveness of the Groovy language. Running Test Suites In Geb. Geb enables more expressive, more concise, and (very importantly) more maintainable web tests. A walk-through for creating your first spec ( test ) in Geb. This tutorial includes creating a page object and spec.

Have you ever wanted an automate cross-browser testing tool for Groovy that also works as a screen scraping and process automation tool? If you have, then you should consider test -driving Geb (pronounced jeb). The open source browser automation solution just made it to version 0. We have two added benefit in one way we are working with Geb that provides an extra layer of convenience and productivity but we have freedom to . Run Grails Geb Functional Tests with multiple Browsers.

Run tests with Firefox, HtmlUnit, Chrome and PhantomJs. It is basically a wrapper over Selenium and provides lots of functionalities making the job of test automation easy and quicker. Geb is a Web automation framework using Groovy.